Columnist Of The Day: Walter E Williams… Money Going To Washington

From Townhall  (Pics added by B.S. Report)


According to a New York Post article (May 22, 2016), in just two years, Hillary Clinton — former first lady, senator from New York and secretary of state — collected over $21 million in speaking fees. These fees were paid by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Fidelity Investments, UBS, Bank of America and several hedge fund companies.

In 2015, lobbyists spent $3.22 billion lobbying Congress. In 2013 and 2014, just 10 chemical companies and allied organizations spent more than $154 million lobbying the federal government. The Center for Responsive Politics in 2013 reported that The Dow Chemical Co. “posted record lobbying expenditures” in 2012, “spending nearly $12 million,” and was “on pace to eclipse” that amount. Fourteen labor unions were among the top 25 political campaign contributors between 1989 and 2014.  (Read more.)




Fox Video: Krauthammer’s Take…Obama ‘Deliberately Trying to Deny’ Radical Islam Ideology of Terrorists


Prager University Video: Black Fathers Matter

Mark Levin Audio: Events In Orlando And How Obama Has Weakened America

‘Right Angle’ Video: Death Of A Gorilla

Columnist Of The Day: Thomas Sowell; Is Personal Responsibility Obsolete?






Among the many disturbing signs of our times are conservatives and libertarians of high intelligence and high principles who are advocating government programs that relieve people of the necessity of working to provide their own livelihoods.

Generations ago, both religious people and socialists were agreed on the proposition that “he who does not work, neither shall he eat.” Both would come to the aid of those unable to work. But the idea that people who simply choose not to work should be supported by money taken from those who are working was rejected across the ideological spectrum.  (Read more.)

Prager University Video: Don’t Follow Your Passion

Bill Whittle ‘Right Angle’ Video: Monster Mash…Trump Vs Clinton

Prager University Video: What ISIS Wants