Former NFL Player Travis Henry Is A Family Man…Has 9 Children With 9 Different Women

Travis Henry:  Proof That Father Doesn’t Always  Know Best

"Who you callin' impotent?"

"Who you callin' impotent?"

From The New York Times

ATLANTA — Travis Henry was rattling off his children’s ages, which range from 3 to 11. He paused and took a breath before finishing.

This was no simple task. Henry, 30, a former N.F.L. running back who played for three teams from 2001 to 2007, has nine children — each by a different mother, some born as closely as a few months apart.

B.S.– “Lets see, there’s Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid…oh, forget it, I give up!”

Reports of Henry’s prolific procreating, generated by child-support disputes, have highlighted how futile the N.F.L.’s attempts can be at educating its players about making wise choices.

B.S.–Obviously, no one ever sat down with Mr. Henry and explained the facts of life, the birds and the bees and all that stuff with him…so, I offer this animated explanation as a public service to those of you who find yourself equally unprepared.

B.S.–Doesn’t the NFL have a condom “distribution” program…maybe Obama should add that to the “stimulus” bill.

The disputes have even eclipsed the attention he received after he was indicted on charges of cocaine trafficking.

B.S.–Oh, and by the way, he’s also charged with cocaine trafficking. I  love the way that’s just tossed into the mix.  I can hear the editors of the paper discussing how they would approach the story:  “Well, the 9 kids with 9 mothers thing is unusually stupid and fascinating…but the drug story is just ordinary stupid and criminal….lets go with the kids angle.”

“They’ve got my blood; I’ve got to deal with it,” Henry said of fiscal responsibilities to his children. He spoke by telephone from his Denver residence, where he was under house arrest until recently for the drug matter.

B.S.–You wouldn’t happen to know of any job openings that pay at least $170,000 bucks (that’s my yearly child support), would you?

Henry had just returned from Atlanta, where a judge showed little sympathy for his predicament during a hearing and declined to lower monthly payments from $3,000 for a 4-year-old son.

B.S.–Can’t his children file a “class-action” suit against him?

Three days after the telephone interview, he was jailed for falling $16,600 behind on support for a youngster in Frostproof, Fla., his hometown.

“I love all my kids,” he said in the interview, but asserted he could not afford the designated amounts, estimated at $170,000 a year by Randy Kessler, his Atlanta lawyer. Kessler said Henry was virtually broke.

“I’ve lost everything in this mess I’ve gotten myself into,” Henry said.  (Read more.)

B.S. Report–Apparently, this “mess” just kind of creeped up on him.  He didn’t see it coming after the first 2 0r 3 kids?  He makes a good case for neutering.

Love American Style:  Also Starring Travis Henry

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