Stupid Protesters Outside The Wrong Homes…They Should Be Protesting Dodd, Frank, and Pelosi

Shouldn’t They Be Outside Barney Frank’s Home?

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (AP) — A busload of activists representing working- and middle-class families paid visits Saturday to the lavish homes of American International Group executives to protest the tens of millions of dollars in bonuses awarded by the struggling insurance company after it received a massive federal bailout.

About 40 protesters sought to urge AIG executives who received a portion of the $165 million in bonuses to do more to help families.

“We think $165 million could be used in a more appropriate way to keep people in their homes, create more jobs and health care,” said Emeline Bravo-Blackport, a gardener.

She marveled at AIG executive James Haas’ colonial house, which has stunning views of a golf course and the Long Island Sound. The Fairfield house is “another part of the world” from her life in nearby Bridgeport, which flirted with bankruptcy in the 1990s and still struggles with foreclosures and unemployment.”

“Lord, I wonder what it’s like to live in a house that size,” she said.

Another protester, Claire Jeffery, of Bloomfield, said she’s on the verge of foreclosure. She works as a housekeeper; her husband, a truck driver, can’t find work.

“I love my home,” she said. “I really want people to help us.”

B.S. Report–The most distressing part of this whole story is how easily the media can manipulate so much of the public.  These fools who are outside the homes of these AIG employees are up-in-arms complaining about bonuses that were authorized by Christopher Dodd and every individual that voted for the “stimulus” bill.

Furthermore, these people are all “riled-up” over the wasted money spent on bonuses ($165 million)  instead of the wasted money spent on the “stimulus” bill (probably over a $1 trillion when all is factored in).

Apparently, they will be mad at whomever the media tells them to be mad at.  Meanwhile, the crooks in Congress are destroying our economy as they continue to spend taxpayer money at a rate never seen before in our country’s history.  Where is the public indignation about that?

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