Monthly Archives: March 2009

Zoos Using ‘Animal Enrichment’ Programs To Keep Animals Mentally Healthy

"That my ponderous friend is checkmate."

"That, my ponderous friend, is checkmate."

BOSTON (AP) — A lion rips open a paper bag stuffed with hay and meat. Giraffes chew up old Christmas trees. Asian black bears claw on empty beer kegs.

It’s been a busy winter for zoo animals – and their schedules promise to be just as packed this spring. But this is not for show:  Zoo keepers say games and other activities are essential to keeping animals physically and mentally healthy when they’re out of their natural environments.

The so-called “animal enrichment” programs are part of a general change in zoo philosophy in the past several years.

"No, you're wrong...To get the correct answer, you need to divide that by the square root."

"No, you're need to divide that by the square root to get your answer."

Not long ago, zoos thought keeping animals alive and healthy meant serving food in bowls and giving them limited physical activities out of fear of injury. During the cold weather, animals were kept off exhibit in warm buildings with little to do.

“But in an effort to keep them healthy, we almost made them unhealthy,” says Tim French, deputy director for animal programming at the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence, R.I. “Zoo animals tended to be overweight, pretty much across the board. Behavioral issues were a much bigger problem because they were idle both physically and mentally.”  (Read more.)

“The Miracles” Get A Star On The Hollywood Walk Of Fame

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Now when Smokey Robinson walks in Hollywood, he’ll have two stars to dust off.Robinson was on hand Friday as The Miracles received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The group’s frontman was previously honored with a star for his solo work.

“I’ve had a star for the last 20 years or so, and it is way, way, way, way overdue” for The Miracles, Robinson said.

A number of their Motown contemporaries were present, including Stevie Wonder, Motown founder Berry Gordy, and original Supremes member Mary Wilson.

A number of events this year mark the 50th anniversary of the legendary Motown record label. Yesterday in Detroit, Gordy and Robinson joined the “American Idol” finalists to tape a segment set to air next Wednesday.

Wild Turkeys Bullying People…Payback’s In November, Buddy!

JACKSON, Mich. (AP) — Wild turkeys are turning into bullies in one Michigan town.

Tri-County International Trucks employee Dave Dodes told the Jackson Citizen Patriot that three of the birds scared a truck driver so much he stayed in his vehicle when he stopped at the truck service shop Friday.

He said a company worker had to create a diversion so the driver could escape, and the turkeys chased both men inside the building in an industrial area at the edge of Jackson, Mich.

Dodes says the birds had been seen near the building for a long time but only recently turned aggressive.

He says “they’re not afraid of traffic, and now they chase people around.”

Jackson is about 65 miles west of Detroit.

B.S. Report–Yes, it seems turkeys all over are getting kind of “uppity.”

Couple Arrested On Wedding Night; Bride Spends Night In Jail–In Her Wedding Dress

Woman Files Complaint Over Her Wedding Night Arrest

HOUSTON (AP) — A woman who claims she was humiliated on her wedding night because she had to spend it in jail in her wedding gown has filed a complaint with Texas authorities.

Jade Puckett, 26, filed the complaint midweek over a picture taken while she was in a courtroom in her wedding dress. “It had turned the best day of my life into my greatest nightmare,” she said in the complaint. She and Billy Puckett, also 26, were arrested following their March 14 reception as part of a Harris County sweep targeting drunken drivers.

Billy Puckett was charged with driving while intoxicated. Officers said his new wife was charged with public intoxication after she became belligerent. She said she was then kept in a cell overnight – still in her wedding dress – with 15 or 20 other arrested women. She said male deputies at least three times opened the cell door to point her out to other jailers. “The male guards seemed to be enjoying themselves,” she said.

Sheriff’s Maj. Fred Brown told the Houston Chronicle in Saturday’s editions authorities would review jail videos to see if Puckett’s complaints were valid. She has not filed a formal complaint with the sheriff’s office; the complaint was filed with the county constable’s office. Joe Gutheinz, an attorney for the couple, told The Associated Press he planned to file a complaint with the Justice Department.

On Sunday, Puckett pleaded guilty to the public intoxication charge in exchange for time served – her night in jail. Her husband, whose family posted bail to have him released, pleaded no contest and received a year’s probation, a $300 fine and community service. Puckett does not know the identity of the person who took her picture.

B.S. Report–Here was the traffic stop and sobriety test that seemed to indicate that the groom was perhaps a little too “tipsy” to start on the honeymoon festivities.

Officer Probably Won’t Win “Rookie Of The Year” Award

Officer Not A “Gentleman”… Orders Women To Undress

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — New Orleans police say a man at first described as a police impersonator who ordered women to undress in their homes has turned out to be a rookie officer.

Police Superintendent Warren Riley said Darrius Clipps graduated from police academy last April. They say he admitted two of three home invasions and resigned.

Clipps was booked on counts including malfeasance in office and sexual battery.

Police were investigating three cases this week where a man dressed as an officer forced his way into a home, ordered women to undress and asked them about drugs.

Riley said other officers told investigators that a composite sketch of the subject resembled both Clipps and anther man.

One witness also gave police a badge number that matched Clipps’ badge.

B.S. Report–They may have to raise their standards to become a New Orleans police officer.  This guy is nothing but a crook.  Home invasion, sexual battery, drugs…this was an actual cop!

Unlike this guy…an “actual” police impersonator:

Stupid Protesters Outside The Wrong Homes…They Should Be Protesting Dodd, Frank, and Pelosi

Shouldn’t They Be Outside Barney Frank’s Home?

FAIRFIELD, Conn. (AP) — A busload of activists representing working- and middle-class families paid visits Saturday to the lavish homes of American International Group executives to protest the tens of millions of dollars in bonuses awarded by the struggling insurance company after it received a massive federal bailout.

About 40 protesters sought to urge AIG executives who received a portion of the $165 million in bonuses to do more to help families.

“We think $165 million could be used in a more appropriate way to keep people in their homes, create more jobs and health care,” said Emeline Bravo-Blackport, a gardener.

She marveled at AIG executive James Haas’ colonial house, which has stunning views of a golf course and the Long Island Sound. The Fairfield house is “another part of the world” from her life in nearby Bridgeport, which flirted with bankruptcy in the 1990s and still struggles with foreclosures and unemployment.”

“Lord, I wonder what it’s like to live in a house that size,” she said.

Another protester, Claire Jeffery, of Bloomfield, said she’s on the verge of foreclosure. She works as a housekeeper; her husband, a truck driver, can’t find work.

“I love my home,” she said. “I really want people to help us.”

B.S. Report–The most distressing part of this whole story is how easily the media can manipulate so much of the public.  These fools who are outside the homes of these AIG employees are up-in-arms complaining about bonuses that were authorized by Christopher Dodd and every individual that voted for the “stimulus” bill.

Furthermore, these people are all “riled-up” over the wasted money spent on bonuses ($165 million)  instead of the wasted money spent on the “stimulus” bill (probably over a $1 trillion when all is factored in).

Apparently, they will be mad at whomever the media tells them to be mad at.  Meanwhile, the crooks in Congress are destroying our economy as they continue to spend taxpayer money at a rate never seen before in our country’s history.  Where is the public indignation about that?

Tiger Woods To Receive $2 Million…Just To Play At Aussie Tournament!

MELBOURNE – Tiger Woods’ decision to play in the Australian Masters in Melbourne in November sparked heated debate Thursday about how much taxpayers should contribute to his appearance fee.

The golfing superstar will reportedly be paid three million Australian dollars (two million US) to turn up at the Kingston Heath course, with the Victoria state government chipping in half.

Victorian Premier John Brumby refused to confirm the figures but said the crowds flocking to see Woods’ first appearance in Australia for more than a decade would pump 19 million dollars into Melbourne’s economy.

“It secures for us an extraordinary drive in our tourism industry — it brings people to our state,” Brumby said.

He released a report from auditors Ernst & Young estimating 10,000-20,000 overseas and interstate visitors would travel to the southern city to see Woods.

State opposition leader Ted Baillieu said taxpayers would be unhappy to see their money being used to lure Woods to Australia in tough economic times.

“At a time like this, when people are losing their jobs, it’s hard to believe that the Victorian public would think that this is a good idea,” Baillieu said.

“When there is concern about high levels of executive salary, the government’s spending 1.5 million dollars on the highest-paid sportsman in the world to come here for a tournament which is not an international tournament.”

He also questioned the government’s figures, saying the Australian Masters was a stand-alone tournament that would not generate the revenue of full tour events.

“Where is the sponsorship deal, where is the television deal, where’s the rights deal and where is the evidence that 19 million dollars is going to flow to Victoria because Tiger Woods fronts?” he said.

Freedom Video Of The Week: Ludwig von Mises, Liberty and Economics

Today’s Birthdays

1685–Johann Sebastian Bach; composer

1813–James Jesse Strang; King of the Mormons (1850-56)


1869–Florenz Ziegfield; producer of the Ziegfield Follies

1910–Julio Gallo; Ernest & Julio Gallo Winery

1922–Carl Reiner; actor, comedian, producer

1931–Hal Linden; actor, Barney Miller

1937–Jerry Reed; musician, guitarist

1939–Tommy Davis; baseball star, Los Angeles Dodgers


1945–Pat Riley; basketball player, hall-of-fame-coach

1946–Timothy Dalton; actor, James Bond

1950–Roger Hodgson; musician, guitarist, Supertramp

1957–Spike Lee; director

1958–Gary Oldman; actor


1962–Mathew Broderick; actor

1963–Kathy Ireland; supermodel

On This Day In Music History…

1961–The Beatles made their debut at Liverpool’s Cavern Club

1964–Judy Collins made her debut at Carnegie Hall in New York City.  She would first hit the Top 40 in 1968 with Both Sides Now, a Joni Mitchell song.  Her versions of Amazing Grace and Send In the Clowns also became classics.