Monthly Archives: March 2009

Can’t they charge the mother with “child abandonment”

"Hi, I'm Handsome."... We'll have to take your word for it.

"Hi, I'm Handsome."... We'll have to take your word for it.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The father of a 3-month-old western lowland gorilla abandoned by its mother at the San Francisco Zoo has picked a handsome name for his son.

Zookeepers on Wednesday set up five different melons in the father gorilla’s enclosure, each one representing a different name.

Oscar Jonesy, the father, chose the melon for “Hasani,” which means “handsome” in Swahili.

The zoo says Hasani has been under human care after his mother left their nest and refused to return to nurse.

The zoo chose the five finalists for the name from 5,300 entries. The winning name was suggested by Amanda Verploeg of Oskaloosa, Iowa.

B.S. Report–You go out of your way to raise these little apes–but will they show any gratitude…No. Whenever these apes get too intelligent, they almost always strike back at their masters…remember this?

Companies Fleeing Obama’s Taxes for Switzerland

Zug is enticing companies to flee the U.S. by offering low tax rates.

Zug's low tax rates lure companies to relocate there from all over the world.

ZUG, Switzerland, March 12 (Reuters) – The tidy towns and mountain vistas of Switzerland are an unlikely setting for an oil boom.

Yet a wave of energy companies has in the last few months announced plans to move to Switzerland — mainly for its appeal as a low-tax corporate domicile that looks relatively likely to stay out of reach of Barack Obama’s tax-seeking administration.

In a country with scant crude oil production of its own, the virtual energy boom has changed the canton or state of Zug, about 30 minutes’ drive from Zurich, beyond all recognition. Its economy was based on farming until it slashed tax rates to attract commerce after World War Two.

It still has a chocolate-box old town with views over a lake to the high Alps, but is now surrounded by gleaming corporate offices — including commodity trader Glencore and oil refiner Petroplus — shopping malls and housing developments.

Local authorities say about 13 percent of full-time jobs in Zug canton are in the raw materials sector.

Over the past six months companies including offshore drilling contractors Noble Corp and Transocean, energy-focused engineering group Foster Wheeler and oilfield services company Weatherfield International have all announced plans to shift domicile to Switzerland.

I must figure out a way to get my hands on their taxes.

I must figure out a way to get my hands on their taxes.

“Switzerland has a stable and developed tax regime and a network of tax treaties with most countries where we operate,” Transocean Chief Executive Bob Long said in a statement in October, when it announced its move. “As a result, the redomestication will improve our ability to maintain a competitive worldwide effective corporate tax rate.”  (Read more.)

B.S. Report–It makes perfect sense what these companies are doing.  We see the same thing happening out here in California.  Many businesses are moving out of state, many to Nevada, to escape the high taxes and regulatory hostility shown to small businesses and other entrepreneurs here in the once “golden state.”

We’ll see if the Obama administration is at all bothered by this trend.  He will give it lip-service, of course, but the reality is that this helps him.  It gives him another excuse to consolidate even more power in Washington, and perhaps come up with some regulations that make it more difficult to relocate.

This clearly shows the power of low tax rates; it can entice the ownership of a company to move half-way across the world in search of a place that will allow them the freedom to run their company as they see fit.

This isn’t being driven by greed as much as survival.  It’s more likely that they don’t want to leave their home and their country.  Businesses have to remain competitive if they hope to survive.  If you don’t change and evolve you will lose market share.  Look at GM for crying out loud.

Orthodox Rabbi Convicted Of Sexually Molesting Daughter

Rabbi/Defense Attorney cross-examines daughter. He had an evil fool for a client.

Rabbi/Defense Attorney cross-examines daughter. He had a fool for a client.

NEW YORK (AP) — An ultra-orthodox rabbi who cross-examined his own daughter at his sex-abuse trial has been convicted of molesting her as a child.

A Brooklyn federal jury convicted 59-year-old Israel Weingarten of five counts of traveling outside the country to have sex with a minor.

The 27-year-old victim says she had been molested while living with her family in Hasidic communities in Belgium, and on trips to England and Israel.

Weingarten, a member of the Satmar community in suburban Monsey, acted as his own lawyer during the trial, delivering a rambling opening statement in which he claimed he was being falsely accused by a daughter who rebelled against a strict upbringing.

Jurors sided with the victim, who turned her head and wept during cross examination, but then lashed out at her father, saying from the stand: “My feeling from your molesting me was utmost fear and blackmail and years of torture … Didn’t I get hit enough?”

After the verdict, the daughter said being questioned by her father was “like being molested again.” She added: “I wish he wasn’t my father.”

The woman has changed her name, but came forward and identified herself in open court as the daughter of the rabbi. She appeared at the trial wearing a pants suit and with her hair down – a mainstream look she said her father had scorned.

She told jurors that once she grew up she left the faith and hoped “to forget everything that happened to me,” mindful that her father had warned her she “would never be able to prove it.” But she went public at the urging of her mother, who was embroiled in a custody dispute with her father.

She told the FBI in 2003 that she was victimized since age 9. Prosecutors alleged Weingarten sexually abused her, sometimes on a daily basis, and moved the family around to help conceal his crimes.

Sentencing was scheduled for April 3.

Arizona Sheriff Under Attack For Trying To Enforce Immigration Laws

The Left is trying to destroy Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

The Left is trying to destroy Sheriff Joe Arpaio for doing his job.

( – The Department of Justice (DOJ) has launched an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona following requests by congressional Democrats and allegations by liberal activists that the department has violated the civil rights of illegal aliens.

Reps. John Conyers (D-Mich.), Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), and Robert Scott (D-Va.) requested the investigation, and activists groups such as National Day Laborer Organizer Network and ACORN launched petition drives and rallies in support of the probe.

The investigation focuses on Sheriff Joe Arpaio and dozens of officers under his command who were trained through the Department of Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Agreements of Cooperation in Communities to Enhance Safety and Security (ACCESS), which partners federal and local law enforcement to enforce immigration laws. (The Homeland Security’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement division is known popularly as ICE.)

In a letter dated March 10, 2009, Loretta Smith, acting assistant attorney general at the DOJ, detailed what her department would be investigating:

“This is to inform you that the United States Department of Justice is commencing an investigation of the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (”MCSO”) pursuant to the pattern or practice provisions of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994,42 U.S.C. §14141 (“Section 14141”) and the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968,42 U.S.C. § 3789d (“Safe Streets Act”), and pursuant to the prohibitions against national origin discrimination in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-7 (“Title Yr’) and the Safe Streets Act, 42 U.S.C. § 3789d(c).”    (Read more.)

B.S. Report–This story provides a perfect “case-study” as to what is wrong with our country.  Look at the cast of characters:  You’ve got a sheriff who’s trying to enforce the immigration laws as they are written on the books.

Now, lets take a look at who’s opposed to that:  Congressional Democrats; in particular, John Conyers, Jerrold Nadler, Zoe Lofgren, and Robert Scott.  Throw in organizations like ACORN and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network and we’re talking about some of the most detestable Congresspeople and anti-American organizations out there.

Once upon a time, oh maybe 50 years ago, we had enough politicians and judges who cared about the future of our country.  That’s not the case anymore.  Cititzens are apathetic and don’t have a clue about freedom and the founding principles that always made America different.

This widespread ignorance and apathy allows our “public servants” to get away with unconstitutional behavior without being held accountable by the voters.  And even when we manage to get rid of some cancerous representatives there’s others just as detestable to take their place.

Hats off to guys like Sheriff Joe Arpaio.  It’s guys like him that are fighting this battle every day that deserve our respect and admiration.  He certainly doesn’t deserve to be attacked by the lowest cretins in the country.

Former NFL Player Travis Henry Is A Family Man…Has 9 Children With 9 Different Women

Travis Henry:  Proof That Father Doesn’t Always  Know Best

"Who you callin' impotent?"

"Who you callin' impotent?"

From The New York Times

ATLANTA — Travis Henry was rattling off his children’s ages, which range from 3 to 11. He paused and took a breath before finishing.

This was no simple task. Henry, 30, a former N.F.L. running back who played for three teams from 2001 to 2007, has nine children — each by a different mother, some born as closely as a few months apart.

B.S.– “Lets see, there’s Dasher and Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet and Cupid…oh, forget it, I give up!”

Reports of Henry’s prolific procreating, generated by child-support disputes, have highlighted how futile the N.F.L.’s attempts can be at educating its players about making wise choices.

B.S.–Obviously, no one ever sat down with Mr. Henry and explained the facts of life, the birds and the bees and all that stuff with him…so, I offer this animated explanation as a public service to those of you who find yourself equally unprepared.

B.S.–Doesn’t the NFL have a condom “distribution” program…maybe Obama should add that to the “stimulus” bill.

The disputes have even eclipsed the attention he received after he was indicted on charges of cocaine trafficking.

B.S.–Oh, and by the way, he’s also charged with cocaine trafficking. I  love the way that’s just tossed into the mix.  I can hear the editors of the paper discussing how they would approach the story:  “Well, the 9 kids with 9 mothers thing is unusually stupid and fascinating…but the drug story is just ordinary stupid and criminal….lets go with the kids angle.”

“They’ve got my blood; I’ve got to deal with it,” Henry said of fiscal responsibilities to his children. He spoke by telephone from his Denver residence, where he was under house arrest until recently for the drug matter.

B.S.–You wouldn’t happen to know of any job openings that pay at least $170,000 bucks (that’s my yearly child support), would you?

Henry had just returned from Atlanta, where a judge showed little sympathy for his predicament during a hearing and declined to lower monthly payments from $3,000 for a 4-year-old son.

B.S.–Can’t his children file a “class-action” suit against him?

Three days after the telephone interview, he was jailed for falling $16,600 behind on support for a youngster in Frostproof, Fla., his hometown.

“I love all my kids,” he said in the interview, but asserted he could not afford the designated amounts, estimated at $170,000 a year by Randy Kessler, his Atlanta lawyer. Kessler said Henry was virtually broke.

“I’ve lost everything in this mess I’ve gotten myself into,” Henry said.  (Read more.)

B.S. Report–Apparently, this “mess” just kind of creeped up on him.  He didn’t see it coming after the first 2 0r 3 kids?  He makes a good case for neutering.

Love American Style:  Also Starring Travis Henry

Space Is A Mess; Astronauts Forced To Evacuate Space Station

WASHINGTON (AP) – The crew of the international space station had a close call with space junk.The three astronauts took refuge for 11 minutes Thursday in a Russian escape capsule before returning inside. Officials were worried that the space station might get hit with a piece of space junk.

NASA says the debris was a small piece of an old spacecraft motor and it was passing within three miles of the station.

The piece measured less than an inch but tiny pieces of debris could cause a fatal loss of air pressure in the station. NASA says it isn’t the first time they’ve sent the station crew into the capsule for safety.

There are two Americans and one Russian aboard the space station.

B.S. Report–I think I know just the “thing” to get the area around the space station all spruced up and organized.  She has over 40-years experience and she really understands the pressures of a non-gravity environment.  Plus, she comes well recommended by a respectable family.

"Rosie the maid" from the Jetson's will get that space station in order.

"Rosie the maid" from the Jetson's will get that space station in order.

Madoff Regretful; Pleads Guilty

World's Top Swindler Says He's Sorry...Okay, we forgive you...NOT!

World's Top Swindler Says He's Sorry...Okay, we forgive you...NOT!

Ponzi Schemer Madoff Pleads Guilty, Goes To Jail

Once heralded as a champion of Wall Street, the former financier apologetically admitted Thursday the only thing he championed was perhaps the largest investment fraud scheme in history, bilking thousands of investors around the world out of billions of dollars.

After hearing Madoff’s regretful plea of guilt and statements from three of the investors he victimized, a judge revoked his bail and sent him from the luxurious confines of his $7 million penthouse apartment where he’d been holed up for three months to a jail cell where he’ll likely live out the rest of his life. Applause broke out in the courtroom after the judge’s announcement.

Sorry Bernie, I don't think you'll be getting one of these.

Sorry Bernie, I don't think you'll be getting one of these.

Madoff pleaded guilty to all charges in the 11-count indictment against him in a Manhattan court, before telling U.S. District Judge Denny Chin he “cannot adequately express” how sorry he was for his crimes.

The charges he admits to: Securities fraud, investment adviser fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, three counts of money laundering, making false statements, perjury, false filing with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission and theft from an employee benefit plan.  (Read more.)

Kerry: “Climate change delay is ‘suicide pact'”…

A leading US senator warned on Wednesday that deferring potentially costly actions to combat climate change because of the global economic slump amounted to “a mutual suicide pact.”

“Climate change is not governed by a recession, it’s governed by scientific facts about what’s happening to Earth. And you either accept the realities of the science or you don’t,” said Democratic Senator John Kerry.

B.S.-Kerry himself has never been a stickler for the truth…remember as a candidate he had managed to stake out pretty much every position.  (Remember: “I was for the Iraq War before I voted against it”.)


He spoke after some of his colleagues argued that the United States should not impose a cap-and-trade system for so-called greenhouse gases blamed for global warming because it amounts to a painful tax during a deep downturn.

“You don’t enter a mutual suicide pact because the economy is having a hard time right now,” Kerry said after meeting with UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon seven months before global climate change talks in Denmark’s capital.

“You certainly have room to negotiate at what the rate and schedule is within that, but it doesn’t mean you can sit around and do nothing,” said Kerry.

But the Massachusetts lawmaker and onetime presidential hopeful seemed to douse hopes that the United States would arrive in Copenhagen with the US Congress having already passed sweeping legislation to curb emissions.

He said the House of Representatives would likely pass its measure in June and that key Senate committees could act “before the summer” on legislation but warned that the whole Senate would have “a hard time getting that done.”  (Read more.)

B.S. Report–When you look at the cast of characters beating the drum on the side of “man-made” global warming, it makes me feel more and more confident that we should do nothing about it.

John Kerry has never been a fan of capitalism–he doesn’t have to be because he married half a billion dollars.  He admires the Socialist way of life–that’s why he’s such a fan of Europe, and in particular, all things French.

"Lovey, our subjects refuse to listen to us about global warming."

"Lovey, our subjects refuse to listen to us about global warming."

For many, especially Europeans, the global warming agenda is at its core an anti-American agenda.  The people who support it, by and large, are people who don’t like economic freedom or the rugged individualism and competitive environment that has typified American society since the founding.

Many of these people use global warming as their convenient tool to end what they view as the decadent lifestyle of the West.  They are more interested in returning the Earth to the supposed “pristine” state it was in before humans started defiling it.  This is as much about hatred of free-market capitalism as it is about scientific truth.

Today In History

On this day, March 12,

1365–University of Vienna founded.


1789–U.S. Post Office established by Benjamin Franklin.

Post Office founder and first Postmaster General.

Post Office founder and first Postmaster General.

1849–1st gold seekers land in Nicaragua en route to California.

1901–Ground is broken for Boston’s first American League ballpark.  (Huntington Avenue Grounds.)

1903–New York Highlanders (Yankees) approved as AL team.

1912–Girl Guides (Scouts) forms in Savannah, by Juliette Gordon Low.

Juliette Gordon Low--center.

Juliette Gordon Low--center.

1916–French airship sinks British submarine (D3).

1933–FDR conducts his first fireside chat.

1938–Nazi Germany invades Austria.

1959–U.S. House joins Senate in approving Hawaii statehood.

1963–Beatles perform as a trio…John Lennon out sick with cold. (Not here they don’t.)

1963–Bob Dylan cancels Ed Sullivan Show television appearance.  But here he is with Steve Allen.

1966–Bobby Hull scores 51st goal of season, setting record.

1966–Jockey Johnny Longden retires after 40 years (6,032 wins).

1966–U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada test site.

1971–Rolling Stone Mick Jagger marries Bianca Perez Morena de Macias.

1972–Hockey great Gordie Howe retires.

1980–Jury finds John Wayne Gacy guilty of murdering 33 in Chicago.

1985–Boston Celtic great Larry Bird scores team record 60 points.

1990–L.A. Raiders announce they are returning to Oakland.

Many More People Starting To See The Light On Global Warming

Global Warming Skepticism Rising in America

Judging by the size of the footprint, it appears that Al Gore was here recently.

Judging by the size of this "carbon" footprint, it appears that a horrible, hideous monster: AlGore'asaurus was here recently.

PRINCETON, NJ — Although a majority of Americans believe the seriousness of global warming is either correctly portrayed in the news or underestimated, a record-high 41% now say it is exaggerated. This represents the highest level of public skepticism about mainstream reporting on global warming seen in more than a decade of Gallup polling on the subject.


As recently as 2006, significantly more Americans thought the news underestimated the seriousness of global warming than said it exaggerated it, 38% vs. 30%. Now, according to Gallup’s 2009 Environment survey, more Americans say the problem is exaggerated rather than underestimated, 41% vs. 28%.

The trend in the “exaggerated” response has been somewhat volatile since 2001, and the previous high point, 38%, came in 2004. Over the next two years, “exaggerated” sentiment fell to 31% and 30%. Still, as noted, the current 41% is the highest since Gallup’s trend on this measure began in 1997.  (Read more.)

B.S. Report–We’ll see how many more people think that global warming is exaggerated if President Obama is able to ram some crazy legislation through Congress that would tax everyone a bundle, just so we can decrease the phony problem of man-made, greenhouse-gas emissions.

Imagine how much more damage to the economy that a global warming bill would accomplish.  That, together with the great tax and spending policies that Obama has already used to “stimulate” the economy, well; that can only lead to even greater disaster.