3-Year-Old Shocked By Faulty Hairdryer; Possibly Saved By His Croc Shoes

From the UK Telegraph  (Pics added by B.S. Report)

These shoes are life-savers!

Harley Sutton-Dormer was in a swimming pool changing room with his mother when he picked up the appliance, which sent a bolt of electricity from his arm down his body.

The boy suffered burns from the shock but doctors believe his plastic shoes acted as insulators and saved his life by stopping the electricity passing into the ground.

His mother Danielle said: “A bright blue bolt of electricity went down his arm and shot out his side. It was awful, he was screaming in agony and shaking.

“The T-shirt and jumper he was wearing are charred and he’s got an exit burn on his side about the size of a five pence piece. The whole thing has left him in shock.  (Read more.)

One response to “3-Year-Old Shocked By Faulty Hairdryer; Possibly Saved By His Croc Shoes

  1. I thought this would be some Oprah Winfrey sycophantic blather about that cocksucker-in-chief Obama.

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